Excentricitetskompensering Aurubis Finland Oy
KOTEKO har installerat ett Excentricitetskompensering system på Achenbach verket hos Aurubis Finland Oy, Pori.
Kompenseringen installerades under 2011 och visar en klar förbättring av kvalitén på det färdiga materialet.
Eccentricity compensation system (ECS)
The main target of the ECS is to minimize the influence of backup rolls eccentricity disturbance in the product. The ECS is optimized to minimize the periodic disturbance over the entire range of products in varying process conditions viz. different materials, different alloys, different material dimensions meaning different material stiffness.
- ECS contributes to a further improvement of the thickness performance.
- ECS self adapt depending on the 1st and the 2st roll eccentricity frequency.
- ECS is a standalone system irrespective of the existing control system.